Anyway. The tuft-thought goes something like this. I do not identify as femme, but I dress and act very much like you'd expect a femme to dress and act. You'd think I could just leave my thought process there, but no.
I'm not comfortable saying I'm femme, but on the other hand I'm just...not butch. Eirie and I had a conversation about this over the weekend. She listed ways in which I am butch (I split firewood, don't wear makeup, don't really wear dresses, have had a buzz cut on more than one occasion) and ways in which I am femme (Ballet. Nuff said.) I know it's a spectrum, and you don't have to identify as either if you don't want to. I'm really not sure why I think about this so much, because it's not like the answer's even that important. I like pretty things like dresses and earrings and long hair, but I don't like them on me. Most of the time. I do own a few not-super-frilly dresses that I wear, and I also used to do drag all the time, which I'd like to get back into. I used to be pretty good at it, actually, which is definitely something to be proud of.
Today I tried to dress nicely because the other girls in my French class (Is girls the right word here? Ladies? Young women? Maidens?) all dress super chic, and last class I was a little sloppy. Whenever I know people are going to be looking nice, I always feel the urge to look nice as well, so it's really a good thing. My cousin Sara has singlehandedly raised the bar for the entire young generation in my family. To give you an example of what I mean by "super chic," there's one girl who wore a really well-cut polka dot dress, black high heels, and a pearl set to class today. That's what we're talking. Super classy. I wore this weird frilly shirt thing that I always forget how much I hate till I've been wearing it for a few hours. It makes me uncomfortable-- not like "itchy," more like "I cannot reconcile my wardrobe choice with my inner self." But I endured. Because I guess I thought I looked good? Except... I didn't think I looked that good.
Why am I making myself wear things I hate? This doesn't make any sense. Maybe I should just wear the clothes I'm comfortable in and stop trying to predict what image I'm projecting to other people. That's just silly, y'all.
Today's music: "Moment's Notice," John Coltrane
The term is now officially "maidens".