Sunday, September 25, 2011

We interrupt this post for a word from our sponsor

Finished The Odyssey in seven hours. And they laughed when I sat down at the piano! Alice can attest, that's not an unreasonable reaction.

On a completely different note, I'd like to discuss how awesome Spotify is. My former boss had it, and I had to get it because it's so damn awesome. I love music the way I love oxygen--I must have it, and boy do I miss it when there isn't any. However, because I believe in the integrity of an album and also I because I don't download, I don't have a lot of music. I listen to the same albums over and over (this past winter, the only album I listened to was Volume One by She & Him) and Youtube, but now with Spotify, I don't have to! It's also tremendously helpful with 40's Radio Hour, which I'm going to reference constantly even though I think maybe three people are reading this, at least two of whom have heard me talk about this for weeks, if not months. I'm attempting to learn all these songs by listening to them, because as previously mentioned, my piano skills leave a lot to be desired.
I have to say, though, the best part of Spotify is that it enables me to make a bajillion playlists and I don't have to use the same songs because all the music ever is available for my use. It is magical.
Today's song: "That Old Black Magic," Louis Prima & Keely Smith

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