Friday, February 3, 2012

Your wish has been granted, Caroline

The Rules

You must post these rules.
Each person must post 11 things about themselves on their blog.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them on the post.
Go to their page and tell them you linked him or her.
No tag backs.
No stuff in the tagging section about “you are tagged if you are reading this.” You have to legitimately tag 11 people.(Sorry, can’t.)

11 Things About Me

  1. I like doing allegro work to Lady Gaga. I swear her music makes me jump higher.
  2. I don't care for the way I look in glasses, but I wear them all the time because I'm lazy.
  3. I would like to go to pastry school. In fact, I've wanted to go ever since I learned that pastry school existed.
  4. My favorite dog to appear in a movie is Asta from The Thin Man. He's a classy detective dog, much like Nick and Nora themselves.
  5. Whenever anyone speaks French on TV or in a movie, I try to translate what they're saying in my head before looking at the subtitles.
  6. One of the best times I had over the summer was playing Gaga and the Ramones in the kitchen and rocking out while baking hundreds of chocolate chip cookies. That's how I found my Zen place.
  7. I used to want to be a US senator when I was little. It was a brief phase.
  8. My superhero alter ego's name is Fulgora, and she controls and manipulates electricity. She also has wait-length blond hair, so presumably, when channeling electricity, it poofs out from the energy and forms a crazy hair-orb. Emily illustrated this the moment we realized it.
  9. I have never been confirmed, but I am trying to get that sorted out. When I was a UU I never felt like I belonged there because I hadn't been dedicated, but I never had a dedication ceremony (even though the minister told me several times that I could) because I think I knew that Unitarian Universalism was just a kind of stopping point for me. Now that I'm a Catholic again, I don't feel like I don't belong, but I feel like my spiritual journey is still stalled. That's why I'm trying to get confirmed.
  10. If I could be an animal, I'd want to be a swan. They can completely destroy anyone who threatens them, but still look classy while doing so. I admire that in a totally non-ironic way.
  11. I auditioned for the Smithereens two days ago! I was going to keep that to myself, but I really can't keep my own secrets. Other people's, sure, but never my own. Anyway. I auditioned, they were really nice and I think it went pretty well, but I won't hear till next week.

Caroline's Questions

1. When was the last time you laughed really hard? When was the last time you cried?

Alice and I do this thing where we kind of headbutt each other as a sign of affection, and last night we accidentally headbutted with a little more force than we intended. Then we started joking that if we really cared about each other, we'd break each other's faces with the force of our affectionate kind of went downhill from there. I laughed so hard I could barely breathe.

As for the last time I cried...I don't remember. It was a while ago, I think.

2. If you could live without sleep, how would you use all of that extra time?

Dance. A lot. And work, so I could pay for this stinkin' degree.

3. If you were a surgeon, what would your specialty be?

I see what you did there, Caroline! I am really uncomfortable with the idea of performing surgery on anyone else. I don't really want to go messing around inside of people. That's hella messy. But if I had to pick... neurosurgery. Might as well go the whole hog.

4. Goats, sheep, or cows? Why?

This summer, there was a running joke about me and paintings of cows. I really enjoy cows from an aesthetic point of view, but I'd have to go with goats. Specifically, fainting goats. They're highly amusing, and travel-sized, which I need at this point in my life. Plus I could use the goat's milk to cook for Emily.

5. If you could bring an old timey style of dress back into fashion (without worrying about safety concerns, like organ-squeezing corsets that break rib,s and kill people and whatnot), what would you pick?

20's clothes, but Flora Poste things rather than flapper dresses (still good, but not what I look for). Specifically, hats like this.

6. What would your storyline be if you were a student at Degrassi?

The queer dancer. I'd probably have a huge embarrassing episode involving me falling in love with another dancer, only she's straight...or is she?

7. If you had to wear a hat every day, what kind would you pick?

My newsboy cap (currently being held ransom by one Alice Wolff).

8. What house would you be in if you went to Hogwarts?

Ravenclaw, I guess? I'm not quite ruthless enough to get along in Slytherin, and Ravenclaw's a good group. But I bet Potions would be my best class if I went to Hogwarts.

9. What book will you 100% read to your children (if you don’t have any yet)/what is the most important book that you do/did read to your children?

Edward Eager. Every last book he wrote. Those books were formative for me. They taught me so much about youth-adult relationships, open-mindedness, Ivanhoe: everything a well-adjusted child needs to know.

10. If you could go back in time and relive your life from a certain point, when would you start over?

Sophomore year, just so I could make friends with Marty sooner.

11. What is a physical feat you would like to achieve?

I want my splits back. And some decent core strength, since you're asking.

My Questions to You

  1. If you had to join a circus tomorrow and you had no skills other than the ones you currently possess, what job would you do?
  2. If you could have anyone's singing voice (living or dead), whose would you pick?
  3. If you could jump into any book and live in it as a character for as long as you wanted, what book would you join?
  4. What is your favorite made-up sport?
  5. What pet would you like to have (excluding fish, hamster, gerbil, cat, or dog)?
  6. Have you ever kept a paper diary/journal? If so, when?
  7. Do you prefer to take photographs or be in them?
  8. If you had to live your life unable to see one color, what color would you pick?
  9. If you were a cartoon character, what outfit would you wear every day?
  10. Would you rather be in a Charlotte Bronte novel, or Jane Austen? (No choosing neither. Pick one, unless you know what I'm referencing, in which case you can choose that.)
  11. How do you feel about bologna?
Don't let me down, Mystery Readers. Please respond! You can post in the comments section or on your own site if you want, but if you post on your site, would you give me the link? I'm anxious to see your replies!


  1. 1. If I joined the circus tomorrow I would be the circus librarian. Look it up.
    2. Maybe Laura Cantrell.
    3. Happy All the Time.
    4. Calvinball
    5. There is no point in having a pet that's not a dog. There just isn't.
    6. Yes, starting in eighth grade. I should get back to it, but it's so much easier to just tell Josh all my thoughts.
    7. Take photographs.
    8. Purple.
    9. I would wear jeans, sneakers, a white button down under a sweater, and a headband.
    10. Jane with a little bit of Charlotte, I think.
    11. No, thank you.

  2. 1. I would probably work in the mess tent. Or I could clean up after animals, but that would get old fast.
    2. Louis Armstrong. Just to see the look on peoples' faces.
    3. Harry Potter
    4. I can't think of that many. Not Quidditch though.
    5. Maybe something insane, like a tiger. Or a liger!
    6. I don't have one now, but I did for most of my life.
    7. Taking photographs.
    8. Orange.
    9. I would wear jeans, tall brown boots, and my white shirt with the flowers.
    10. Jane. Her men are less creepy. Dull, but not monsters.
    11. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I like it. In moderation. And now I kind of want some.

  3. 1. I'd take tickets or sell food because I'm more in love with the idea of being part of a circus family than I am of actually doing circusy things.
    2. Trisha Gagnon of The Jaybirds.
    3. The Howl's Moving Castle universe.
    4. Calvinball.
    5. A pig.
    6. Nope! Writing by hand bores me.
    7. Neither. I'm not very good with cameras, no matter which side of the lens I'm on.
    8. Lime green.
    9. Skirt, tights, boots, long sleeved shirt, scarf. So basically what I'm wearing right now.
    10. Jane Austen because Pride and Prejudice.
    11. I have fond memories of Girl Scout camping that involve bologna stew, so I'm going to go with nostalgic.

    Also, I typed this out twice because I care.
